Have Fun With Kids (1) : Act It Out!

In our previous post, I mentioned about joining our boys for PLAY has helped in boosting our family bond.
In an earlier post in 2010, I blogged about “Have Fun As A Family - Immersing In The Kids’ World”. Read about it here.
I am a strong believer of having fun AS A FAMILY and doing activities [...]
Being More Than A Parent - Be A “Friend” To Our Kids

When I shared with a friend that I still receive love messages from our boys, she expressed that it seems unusual that a teen would continue to be expressive of his love for his mother.
When I told others that my teenage boy would travel to the vicinity of my office to have lunch with his [...]
My Typical Day as A Mother After Resuming Worklife

“Ring…..Ring……..”. The incessant ringing of the alarm clock was messing with my sleepy head.
I dragged my reluctant body out of the bed, brushed my teeth and started the first but most onerous routine of my day - HOUSEHOLD CHORES.
So, as quiet and fast as possible, I ZOOMED and ….washed and dried the laundry, [...]