Archive for the ‘Advertorial & product review’ Category

Winner of the Giveaway of Hair Accessories AND Special Promo by Hip Kids Boutique!


The lucky winner of the giveaway of hair accessories (courtesy of Hip Kids Boutique) goes to Kaye Wong! Congrats Kaye and your little one! The owner of Hip Kids Boutique will contact you via email on the collection of the giveaway.

As for our other participants, Thank You for taking part. 


We have good news for you:)

Hip Kids Boutique is offering our readers a special promotion of 15% if you make any purchase from the online boutique by 31 Dec 2011. Simply use the promo code “PARENTIMES” to enjoy 15% off your purchases. Hey! These will make great X’mas and CNY gifts too! Hurry while stock lasts!

How I Appreciate A Good Table Lamp


I never realize the disadvantages of short-sightedness until I suffer from it. I truly regret not taking good care of my eyes *sigh*.

Don’t you agree that these bright and healthy eyes are so precious? 

These bright and healthy eyes are so precious

These bright and healthy eyes are so precious


Today, as a parent, one of my main priorities is to remind my children of the importance of good eye care. We appreciate that “PREVENTION” has to start NOW while they are young.

These “Don’ts” become common reminders in helping Brendan and Darren stay away from myopia:

Getting the boys to spend less hours on Nintendo DS

Getting the boys to spend less hours on Nintendo DS

Spending more time in the "Greenery"

Spending more time in the "Greenery"


- Keep reading or playing their electronic games without allowing their eyes to rest
- Watch TV or read in close proximity
- Read and do activities in the dark
- Read in incorrect posture



I am sure most of you are already very familiar with these tips of good reading posture/distance, adequate rest for the eyes and sufficient lightings.

However, do you know that while making use of the lamps to provide sufficient lightings in our reading or working environment, some lamps can do “more harm than good” to our eyes?



Seriously, I have invested in table lamps at home. Not all table lamps work to my satisfaction though. They are either not adjustable (hence cannot direct the light), not energy efficient, not bright enough, flickering or too glaring.

Especially the flickering and light glare! They are so “disturbing” to the eyes.

Some table lamps cause light glare which can be so irritating to the eyes

Some table lamps cause light glare which can be so irritating to the eyes


Then, about two years ago…..

I bought my first piece of 3M Polarizing Table Lamp (QS2000) with its special feature of the 3M™ Polarizing Light. Evidencing the benefit of the 3M™ Polarizing Light Technology, I have been a happy user since *smile*.


I am using a new model of 3M polarizing Table Lamp – CR2000.



With CR2000, my earlier worries on lightings are no more here to stay *wider smile*.

Why do I say so?

Glare – No More
The 3M™ Polarizing Light Filter eliminates glare by up to 80%. My family can read in comfort and yet not hurt their eyes even when they accidentally stare into the lamps.

Dimness – No More
The lamp is equipped with 3M™ Proprietry DESR super reflective film which results in enhanced brightness.


See how dark it is when Darren does not turn on the table lamp

See how dark it is when Darren does not turn on the table lamp


The lamp provides soothing and adequate brightness when Brendan works on the computer

The lamp provides soothing and adequate brightness when Brendan works on the computer


Flickering – No More

3M Polarizing Light is anti-flicker! So far, my first piece of 3M Polarizing Lamp has proven so.


Energy Efficiency

It is such an “IN” expectation now for us to look out for energy efficiency labeling when purchasing electrical and electronic appliances. This lamp comes with energy saving light bulbs that save up to 80% energy used!


The earlier 3M model has not failed our expectations and I believe the 3M Polarizing Table Lamp CR2000, won’t too :)

So the children’s needs are well taken care of now. In fact, I am getting another piece of this model for my room.

If you are also looking at a table lamp and your expectations match mine, you can check out the 3M Polarizing Light at the retail stores or the website .
[In Singapore, these table lamps can be found at POPULAR, BEST DENKI, CARREFOUR, CHALLENGER, HOME-FIX, URBAN WRITE and PROLOGUE.]


Happy Eye Care!

Handy Manny Gets Handy With The Earth!


Previously, I wrote about how we can show our support for the environment through our everyday habits and “Earth Hour” campaign. Not only that – I also mentioned about raising the awareness on environmental sustainability in our young kids.


Yes, building our kids’ early awareness is important. Yes, we also know that engaging them in environmental campaigns and activities do help *smile*.



So, we have several environmental campaigns like Earth Hour and World Environment Day. Coming our way on 22 April 2010 will be the 40th “Earth Day” – a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment, with Earth Day activities participated by more than 1 billion people in the world.


On this Earth Day, you can engage your kids to show their love for Mother Earth in a FUN way!


Let your kids learn the environmental message through these fun activities with your family on this Earth Day:

1) Where possible, walk or bike to your nearby destination. Reduce car driving and reduce the undesirable carbon monoxides which will harm the earth.

2) Enjoy a little picnic, using non-disposal utensils. Recycle and keep our environment clean.

3) Start a new plant life. Treasure the greatness of Mother Earth as the plant grows and blooms.

4) Play friendly penalty games or quizzes with your young ones to bring across to them the significance of :

Saving energy – by turning off lights or electricity when not in use

Recycling – get hands-on in creative art activities with recyclable items like bottles, cans and paper boxes.

Saving water – by turning off water when brushing teeth and applying soap during bath.



For more useful environmentally tips to share with your young ones, do check out


Besides, Playhouse Disney has ready activities to enable your ones to learn the environmental message in a fun way, together with Daddy and Mommy :)


Handy Manny, our handy man of Sheetrock Hills, will champion Earth Day on Playhouse! Your young ones will love their favourite Handy Manny episodes, focusing on the importance of preserving the environment – specially aired by Playhouse Disney on 22 April.


Oh yes, Handy Manny and his useful tools, will be showing how to “Get handy with the Earth”!


More from Playhouse Disney!



Join your young ones to participate in the Handy Manny Earth Day Contest and stand a chance to win Handy Manny Gardening Tools. Contest starts on 22 April.


To participate, log on to Also, encourage your friends, relatives to also participate in this contest with their young ones!

(Pl read the terms and conditions to qualify).


With Handy Manny and our fun activities, I am sure your family will have both an Enjoyable and Educational Earth Day. Let your children learn more about Earth Day on Playhouse Disney (Starhub Channel 34) 22nd April, 9am – 2pm.

[I am also sure our young generations and their future generations will be THANKFUL to us in years to come - for spreading the environmental message among parents, who in turn will play an important role in influencing your young ones to love our Mother Earth and protect the environment.]

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