Archive for the ‘Our honour’ Category

Prize Giving Day 2011 : He Made It Again


We gave Brendan a target to score better than his mid year’s grades. So, he did his very best.

Although I thought I would never quit my job to devote my time educating my kids, I did it anyway eventually. So, with 1-to-1 guidance, he puts in his very very very best *haha*. Or was I giving him pressure by watching him day and night *hahaha*.

We didn’t push him to be number 1 but Brendan made it again - achieving first in class for academic performance for Primary 6 school preliminary exams. As it has been competitive in his class and we were also busy multi-tasking with interviews and tests for DSA, frankly it was a very pleasant surprise:)

As we saw him walk confidently onto the stage during the school’s graduation ceremony to receive his prize, we feel so proud of him. Haha! He has overtaken papa and mommy in the number of prize achievements.


<”Son, you are my role model. Not because we want you to be number 1 but because you are self-motivated and always persevere to do your very best in everything you embark on. All the best for your PSLE results. Whatever it is, as long as you have done your best:)”>

 Click below for some of Brendan’s other achievements :

Prize Giving 2009

Prize Giving 2010

Direct school admission

Stylish Blogger Award


“Thank you” Silver Girl for sharing with Parent Times the Stylish Blogger Award. It is a real motivator to start the NEW YEAR :)


The Rules for the award are :

1. Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 great bloggers you know.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.


7 things about myself

1.I do not look forward to counting the candles on my birthday cake. It reminds me of my added age.

2. I do not wish to witness in the the people I love most : Lies and betrayal.

3. If there is only 1 thing I could pray for : Good Health for myself and beloved family.

4. A week I wish I could lead : Not having to be bound by the daily routines in life and not having to take care of everyone else and JUST live for myself.

5. What I could not live without : Obviously my two boys and the one who will sincerely listen to my grievances everyday *haha*.

6. Must have in my handbag : A packet of tissue paper (sometimes many packets), wet tissues, lipstick, sanitiser, handphone, keys (there are so many keys: home keys, car keys, office keys), wallet (somehow I never understand why I end up having so many discount and membership cards), staff card…..I guess after having kids, I am so used to having those wet tissues and sanitiser when I leave the home with our boys. I can never feel complete with a mini handbag.

7. At home, I find it unbearable when I feel taken for granted or family members ignoring my advices or worst when I could not get them to tell me the truth.  At home or at work, it is never easy managing different age groups and types of people.


There are many well-deserving bloggers whom we would like to pass the award to. Unfortunately, we could not pass the recognition to many here. For now, we are passing the Stylish Blogger Award to:

Eastcoast Life

Fresh n Marine

Life Ramblings

Lovely Purses

Juliana’s Bits and Pieces

Makan Makan Mariuka

 My Java Rosa

 Patsy’s Photos

Pensive Thoughts

Singapore Playground

Sengkang Babies

Slavery Bliss

The Fitness Diva

The Twerp and I

Traders’ Hub


Sunshine Award


Of all the joy of blogging, it is really inspiring to receive the recognition and award from our fellow blogger friends *BIG GRIN*.


Remember this song?

“You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.


Our gratitude to Yoon See of Greener Pasture for presenting Parent Times with our latest ”Sunshine Award“.   We are really appreciative *SMILE*. THANK YOU!




Hope Parent Times has been bringing that “Cheerie Ray of Sunshine” to our readers’ life.


In return, I would also like to present this Sunshine Award to all our regular readers cum blogger friends.

Over to you ….Let’s keep going. *SMILE*.

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