Archive for the ‘I'm A Mom’ Category

I’m A Mom: His Natural Defenses, My Peace of Mind

Hi, Thank You for your support! Do remember to continue voting for me under the “I’m A Mom Blogger Contest” at You are entitled to vote every 3 hourly till 10 November and the best thing is TOP VOTERS Stand to win prize:) Your support is really a Great Motivation for us.




My friend always tells me that as my kids grow, I should gradually let them learn how to take care of themselves.  Papa Ed shares the same opinion. As a mom I guess, my kids’ well-beings will be my utmost concern and feeling worried for them no matter how old they are is only natural.





When they are young, a mom is concerned about her kids’ academic performance, safety and health (this echoes my feelings now as a mom of two young boys). As they grow older, a mom worries about their social circle, attitude, career, relationships and health. After they set up their families, a mom continues to show concern for their marriage, grandchildren, career and health (at least this is how my mom and MIL have continued to show care for us).  How then can we be a more confident mom, to set our minds at ease?




Building confidence does not happen overnight. So what does it take to be a confident mom? Learning to expose our kids to doing things on their own….believing in our kids that they can take care of themselves and manage…..knowing that our kids have the abilities to develop more independence and strength….. coaching our kids and allowing them to brave through life difficulties……a confident mom will have to stand by these beliefs. It might not be easy for many of us but moms will have to learn to take it easy and have faith in our kidsJ




A concern that a mom has about her kids, regardless of age, is always the health.  My MIL always asks Papa Ed whether he has enough sleep, taking any health supplements, eating enough or consuming any liquor. My mom always asks me whether I am taking any tonic.  For me, I am always concerned whether my kids are having enough balanced diet, doing enough exercise, or getting enough sleep. Yes, because at a young age, the frequencies that they used to fall sick can be such a major concern! So I have appreciated the fact that building up the natural defenses of my boys is so important. Seeing my boys in the pink of health brings the broadest smile on my face. A good health foundation serves to benefit them for years!

I’m A Mom….Being a protective mom, boosting his natural defences….”

Hi, do continue to vote for me in the “I’m A Mom Contest” at or by clicking the banner on the sidebar. This is a post under the contest and apologies that comment has hence been de-activated. Continue to support Parent Times, Mommy Denesa and my two boys! The contest now allows voting every three hourly. THANK YOU for your support:)



Being a protective mom, doing my best to boost my children’s natural defences is important to me.

Both my boys used to fall sick so often when they were younger and I realized that I cannot be there all the time to protect them from the community illnesses. Darren was a premature baby and somehow he was prone to cold and cough. This makes me more determined to boost their natural defences and thus giving me the ease of mind and relieving me of “heartache” especially when I have to see my boys suffering when they fall ill.

So the natural solution I believe in is to boost the natural defences of my boys. Firstly, I maintain a healthy diet for them. Though a busy working mother, I make sure that my boys’ daily meals are well-balanced and supplemented with health supplements like multi-vitamins. Vitamin C is well-know for enhancing natural defences. My boys love all varieties of fruits, yakult/vitagen, honey and fruit juices:) Though it is hard to entirely deprive a child of snacks and fried food, we tried our best to avoid them.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

It is commonly agreed that exercises keep the body fit and healthy. My boys have been enrolled in activities like swimming, wushu and badminton. Embracing the nature is definitely what we believe in and hanging out at parks/nature reserves and jogging are often our common activities. The kids practise simple yoga with me at home. Sometimes, it might not be easy for a young kid to persevere in exercising and that is where parents’ participations will definitely help:)



I pity today’s children because they seem to undergo more stress, whether it is from parents, schools or themselves. Brendan for example always wants to do well in whatever he enthusiastically embarks on. STRESS can cause such “silent harm” to our health. It is hard to avoid stress but I believe in adjusting the kids to help them feel more relaxed. Exposing my boys to music or musical instruments and even games has helped in keeping them relaxed during stressful period. Haha….I am the type of mom who allows Brendan to play abit of electronic games during his examinations preparation whenever he needs a little mind relaxer:) Having enough SLEEP, even through afternoon nap, is what I always insist in allowing their little bodies to have enough rest.


“A HAPPY child will become a HEALTHIER child”. As parents, we have our abilities to make our children happy and healthy in our own ways. Adequate parent-child bonding is a MUST no matter how busy we might be. I believe in giving my boys a goodnight hug and kiss and embrace them whenever they need. This helps in leading them to be happier and develop healthier mindset to embrace a new day.


As parents, we do have to put in efforts to create a HAPPY and HEALTHY Child.

I’m A Mom Blogger Contest - Start Voting!

I am excited to share that I am one of the 5 mommy bloggers invited to participate in the Dumex Mamil Gold ‘I’m A Mom’ Blogger Contest.  After the video filming that I mentioned in my earlier post, the video (as part of the campaign) is finally launched! Do drop by to take a look.


Give this mommy blogger and Parent Times the fullest support by VOTING for ME.  The 2nd mom from the right is ME.

How to Vote?

1) To VOTE, log onto, I’m A Mom Contest
2) Find us under the name “Denesa” (Parent Times), 4th mother from the left OR 2nd mother from the right and VOTE for us !!

Top Voters STAND the chance to Win a Prize too (refer to terms and conditions at the voting site). If you like and support my blog, of course, we welcome you to also invite your relatives and friends to vote for us as frequently as possible *Thank you so much in advance”. Each voter is allowed to vote every 3 hourly.


If you support this mommy Denesa and also my parenting blog, you are most welcome to also drop me comments of your support and encouragement in this post. This will definitely give a Strong Motivation to this Mommy in her motherhood journey besides the fact that the blogger mommy with top number of votes wins a prize.*appreciate it*

vote for me Pictures, Images and Photos

So Support Me and my 2 treasures “Brendan and Darren”! Vote for Me! Vote for Parent Times from now till 10 Nov.


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