Archive for the ‘Bonding : Learn & play’ Category

Have Fun With Kids (1) : Act It Out!

In our previous post, I mentioned about joining our boys for PLAY has helped in boosting our family bond.

In an earlier post in 2010, I blogged about “Have Fun As A Family - Immersing In The Kids’ World”. Read about it here.

I am a strong believer of having fun AS A FAMILY and doing activities TOGETHER, even when the parents could seem crazy and kiddish in those moments.

I believe the key to establishing a strong family bond is not only about being physically there to encourage our kids, to mentor or play the guardian or audience roles.

It is also about….

“Building that rapport - Join in the kids’ fun

“Bridging that generation gap - immerse in the kids’ world“.

- Parent Times -

It is important to start early to shape it into a family culture and continuing process. Our children grow up faster than we could imagine and once the opportunity to strengthen that bond slips past, it might become an impossible mission no matter how hard we try after that.

[So, here I am starting a series of posts on "Have Fun With Our Kids" and hopefully we could share with other parents some family activities, especially those that we could stay active with our younger ones."

We welcome other parents, who have more tips on healthy family activities, to share your ideas too. Let's boost our family bond from here!]



An activity that we have always enjoyed tremendously with our boys is “ACT IT OUT”.

It started during one of our birthday… years ago when we decided to make each of our birthdays a “Family Fun Day“!


What it Involves

- For each family member’s birthday, the organisers will think of a theme.

- The older boy and mom will prepare the story plot and the script (note: will be tough for younger kids).

- The younger boy will usually take charge of preparing the props, together with mom and papa.

- Every single family member plays the role of an organiser (except for the birthday star) and actor/actress.

- Then there will be rehearsals to perfect the acting and script.

- Of course, we take turn to also manage the sound and lighting effect.

Most importantly, the “Birthday Star” will usually act out a character that he adores.


How It Helps?

- Build team spirits

- Exercise kids’ creative skills especially when it comes to scripting and making the props. Allow our kids to be as imaginative as possible.

- Boost kids’ confidence

- Create a space for kids to make mistakes and constantly seek improvement  [after a few years of practice, our script and acting have become more professional:)]

- Bridge the gap between parents and children

- Prepare kids to be responsible for their roles in the team

- Create hilarious picture and video moments that will serve as precious memories in years to come

- Train them to be sporting [eg. our kids can dress us up in their self-created pirate attires (even if it is out of the norm of typical pirate attire) and we must be sporting enough to put it on:)

Most importantly, having that much laughter together - IT IS PRICELESS.

Look at the smiles on their faces and one could imagine how much fun they have


We have played the royal family, warriors, the pirate family, TITANIC lovers and others …and next will be the SUPERHEROES.

If you are also keen to “ACT IT OUT” with your kids, it will take some preparation time. So, get ready early.

Our boy’s birthday is in August and one good way of spending his school holiday is he is already preparing his props once the Family Board has unanimously agreed on a common theme.

Really looking forward. Can’t wait:)

Oh yes! Stay tune to read about our other series of posts on “Have Fun With Our Kids”.

Finally They Learn How To Manage The Bicycle (Part 1)

Cycling has been a significant bonding activity for our family. We spent many moments of our dating years cycling. This may sound strange - during our wedding anniversaries, I still choose to cycle alone with Papa Ed. Now on most weekends, as long as we could afford the time, we would be cycling as a family.

Cycling is not only a booster for the health but also for the mind especially when we love cycling at the park or along the beach.


The kids make my day when they could eventually bid goodbye to the tricycles!  Yippee! I was jumping for joy and extremely proud when they could finally manage a BICYCLE.

This is the simple contentment of a parent. Every of our kids’ new achievement, no matter how small, is enough to bring me tremendous joy:)


In my opinion, picking up cycling skill is A WAY to help build up kids’ perseverance and confidence.

They fell along the way BUT they got up without giving up.

They tried clumsily in the process BUT they never lost their confidence.

It seemed so difficult at first to achieve that balance BUT they remained determined.

They got new cuts and bruises BUT they shed no tears.

Instead there were much laughter along the way.

They were motivated by one goal - that is to cycle as a family, each on our individual bicycle.

Most importantly, they appreciate through the process that they can achieve their goal with hard work and determination.

This is the type of spirits that brought me pride:)


Once they master that cycling skill,there is no way to hold them back.

Steadier and faster, off they go! They learn that with practice, they got better each time.

As I watched our boys cycling ahead of us, I started to have mixed feelings.

Isn’t this similar to our kids’ growing up process?

As they grow, they  falter along the way and need us to give them the motivation or helping hand.

However, once they build up their confidence and skills, they might be better than us and before long, they are moving way ahead of us.

When they are stagnant, we can’t wait to give them a push. When they progress to0 fast, we face the reluctance of letting go.

Sad to say BUT this is the dilemma faced in parenthood.

Origami Collection : Japanese Girl In Kimono

One of the favourite past times that I have with our boys is making ORIGAMIS. We have a large collection of origamis ranging from animals, fruits, costumes, faces to playground items. These origamis are not only nice collections, they are good decorations too. Of course, they are often used on our self-made greeting cards. Papa and boys have even suggested that I conduct classes to teach origami making *grin*. To admit, Darren is a young MASTER in origami making and I am often amazed at how he could remember the different steps for different designs in that small little brain. Hmm…totally agree that Interest does add to that success:) This morning, we tried this origami - Japanese girl in kimono. Very sweet indeed. Hmm…thinking of making a bigger one, adding the face features and framing it up:) If you are interested to also try out this origami, check out this step by step instruction at this website. Hope you enjoy origami making as much as we do:) Another of those educational bonding activities between parent and child…

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