Origami Collection : Japanese Girl In Kimono
One of the favourite past times that I have with our boys is making ORIGAMIS. We have a large collection of origamis ranging from animals, fruits, costumes, faces to playground items. These origamis are not only nice collections, they are good decorations too. Of course, they are often used on our self-made greeting cards. Papa and boys have even suggested that I conduct classes to teach origami making *grin*. To admit, Darren is a young MASTER in origami making and I am often amazed at how he could remember the different steps for different designs in that small little brain. Hmm…totally agree that Interest does add to that success:) This morning, we tried this origami - Japanese girl in kimono. Very sweet indeed. Hmm…thinking of making a bigger one, adding the face features and framing it up:) If you are interested to also try out this origami, check out this step by step instruction at this website. Hope you enjoy origami making as much as we do:) Another of those educational bonding activities between parent and child…
mmmmmm, it was really a nice and great idea, thanks for sharing, i’m sure i would try it this weekend..