Prize Giving Day 2011 : He Made It Again


We gave Brendan a target to score better than his mid year’s grades. So, he did his very best.

Although I thought I would never quit my job to devote my time educating my kids, I did it anyway eventually. So, with 1-to-1 guidance, he puts in his very very very best *haha*. Or was I giving him pressure by watching him day and night *hahaha*.

We didn’t push him to be number 1 but Brendan made it again - achieving first in class for academic performance for Primary 6 school preliminary exams. As it has been competitive in his class and we were also busy multi-tasking with interviews and tests for DSA, frankly it was a very pleasant surprise:)

As we saw him walk confidently onto the stage during the school’s graduation ceremony to receive his prize, we feel so proud of him. Haha! He has overtaken papa and mommy in the number of prize achievements.


<”Son, you are my role model. Not because we want you to be number 1 but because you are self-motivated and always persevere to do your very best in everything you embark on. All the best for your PSLE results. Whatever it is, as long as you have done your best:)”>

 Click below for some of Brendan’s other achievements :

Prize Giving 2009

Prize Giving 2010

Direct school admission

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