Archive for the ‘Bonding : Local trails’ Category
December 2011 School Holidays Local Trail : X’mas Light-up At Resort World Sentosa
Hmm…seems like turning our major places of attraction into TOYLANDs - HAS become a TREND.
While Singapore Flyer has the “Toys Come Alive” attraction, Changi Airport has also been attracting crowds with its Angry Birds.
This Christmas, Resort World Sentosa has also become a fairy and toyland.
Hehe…Don’t these look like super wings on our back? Aiyo, Bren’s hands must be trembling with excitement when he took this shot..haha:)
Children, don’t try to lie okay? Your nose will tell it all..haha:)
Not exactly a very fresh idea for X’mas tree but I definitely support the Go Green Concept
Gardens By The Bay (South)
When I see abundance of flowers - I feel vibrant and simply happy. So, when I know that one of my favourite flowers (ORCHIDS) are on display at the World Orchid Conference (WOC, held at MBS) last month, I immediately dragged my best companion along.
[Thanks to Brendan who has been hopping from one place to another with mommy since PSLE ended.]
Look at these orchids! Take a deep breath.. I smell lots of fresh air…haha:)
[Took too many pictures and really don't know which pictures to share.]
What’s more..we had additional perks during WOC! We could visit the Gardens by the Bay South and the flower dome while it was opened for preview during the WOC! Yes. Way before it officially opens its door next year:) Our admission fee was well-paid for as I really had good eye-treat — with many species of orchids at WOC and plants at Gardens By The Bay!
Whoaaaa….sighted many of my favourite succulents and bottle trees! MORE HAPPY!
Yipee! More flowers:)
December 2011 School Holidays Local Trail : What’s On At Singapore Flyer?
Side by side (new competition) - The iconic Singapore Flyer and the eye-catching Gardens By The Bay
The ride on the flyer
We have gone on board twice and we will be giving it a miss. Unless….somebody is paying for us to dine on board..*hint hint*.
Toys Come Alive at Singapore Flyer
WOW! The rainforest is lit up with TOYS coming ALIVE at night! Toy soldiers, gingerbread man,…, Christmas snow globe…It’s kids’ fantasy toyland in the Flyer’s rainforest!
Stroll time
Simply enjoy an evening stroll along the river or “SNAP SNAP” …it’s photo times.
We have 1 “too late to be” pilot and 2 pilots in the making. All 3 can’t wait for their FLIGHT EXPERIENCE soon. Hmm..should we go for the CITY FLYER 60 minutes or ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE 90 minutes? Learning how to fly a Boeing 737 with latest flight simulation. Whoa!! Our guys can’t wait any longer to get their hands on experience. Get the details of the FLIGHT EXPERIENCE HERE.
Ultimate Drive
The ultimate drive will definitely be too challenging and a NO GO for our younger ones but certainly an attraction for papa. Chossing between a 15-minute drive along the F1 course or that 30-minute ride along the F1 course and highway, I am sure Papa Ed would prefer to drive than take the package of being driven. Whether it is taking over the steering wheel of red Ferrari or yellow Lamborghini, I am sure either one will be an adrenaline pumper:)
Well…exhausted and hungry after all the fun? Drop by the nostalgic Food Trail and experience the dining experience of the 60s…
We had been at the Flyer and will be heading for the Flyer again for that ultimate drive and flight experience:)