“Surprises” Surrounding Kids


It is “FUN” being with young kids because they never fail to bring SURPRISES!  From pleasant to unpleasant surprises, we experience it ALL.

Oh yes! I am greedy for surprises (minus the unpleasant ones) *grin*.


So, one day, our kids may surprise us with  a drawing of our portrait.

[No matter how "weird" you might look in the drawing, we will still love it because it is a good effort put in by the child.]

Then the next day, they may surprise us with a motivational card.

[No matter how imperfect the English sounds on the card, we will never bear to discard the card for a long time to come.  We might feel so "touched" till the verge of tears because our hearts are melted by their simple but thoughtful act.]


I fondly remember that day, when our thoughtful Darren actually drew for me a heart and then gave it to Papa Ed and told Papa to give it to me (as if Papa drew it).  Haha..he wanted to make me feel happy when I was going for an important appointment.  That was really a sweet surprise that he actually knows how to help Papa to score point *hehe*.


Then, of course, there are days when we will not be pleased by those unpleasant surprises like complaints from people, missing items or even “Gotcha”!




Talking about missing items

I must say, we really have a whole lot of evolving emotions on our “lost and found” items since we have kids.

We get upset so many times over items that seem to walk away till we have got accustomed to it.

So, I have “missing” items like stationery, hair clips, books, pouches, combs, remote controls, DVDs……

But trust me. These items will not walk away from the house. We know, somehow, the items will appear again one day, just at a different location and out of the blue *hehe*.  Many surprises, huh?

[Looking at it positively, it always feels great finding back what we have lost, isnt't it? Our kids, indirectly, have taught us to treasure those items more when they re-appear. *haha*]




What I mean by “Gotcha”?

You see, we not only have missing items but we have new items and sometimes not so pleasant ones to SURPRISE us!

So, that day, we had a “GRASSHOPPER” resting on the leg of our working table at home.  Then the “GRASSHOPPER” hopped to the chair and Papa Ed almost sat on it without noticing!

Hmm…where did that “GRASSHOPPER” come from?

Darren had discretely put a real looking and big “TOY GRASSHOPPER” into our shopping basket the other day.

Arghh…Mommy thought that Papa chose it and Papa thought that Mommy needed it as decorative item. So, we paid for it, brought it home and Darren has been using it to give us surprises whenever he likes it. Darren will give that “Gotcha” laughter when we fall for his playful tricks.   Phew! Luckily, it is NOT a toy lizard that he decided to use to sabo us Or I would have screamed, jumped and run for my life without any image *haha*.




Or, Darren used to hide himself from us while we were out shopping and then he tested our reactions abit - see how panicky we got. When we decided to just walk away (knowing he was playing with us), he was never too far behind, running after us.

Next, every now and then, whether you expect it or not, Darren will jump out from one corner with a loud “HooooUUU!” and anyone with the weakest heart would have fainted!

If Brendan becomes the victim of these GOTCHA tricks, then there will be unrest!!

Well, I would never imagine myself playing such a trick on my parents when I was young.

Unless, I badly wanted a scolding *wink*.




So, how can the life of parents be uninteresting and lack of surprises - with our kids who have their ways to spice up our lives?

One of the moments that I will MISS most, when my boys grow up, will be these playful and thoughtful surprises.


You are welcomed to share how you used to surprise your parents or how your kids like to surprise you:)

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