After a few weeks of hardwork by mummy and son, our efforts paid off. Brendan scored well for all his CA1 subjects. He managed to perform well for his weakest subject of Chinese. I think all the learning of the chinese characters help..
Well done Brendan!
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I am too sure if you have explore referencing to past exam papers from those top primary school in Singapore. It probably helps to give your kid an idea what is to be expected and what is the level of challenging questions in exam papers from the top school where those students are facing.
I was searching a few websites and found there are couple of online site selling past exam papers. Before I purchase, l stumble this blogsite which has a report made to comparing the different offering each of those online website selling exam papers.
I was surprise by the price gap offered by different websites for the same thing (which is the past exam papers of those top schools). Luckily I did not buy the papers when I found one in my initial search.
The blogsite with the comparison offers is