Mommy, Why Are You Not Working?


For the past few days, I have Darren asking me “Mommy, why are you not working?”

He must be wishing “How I wish I could don’t go to school too and have mommy playing with me all day long!” OR he is probably not used to mommy being at home especially when I am usually spending most of my time at work on weekdays.

I have been on sick leave from work for a few days and my body badly needed a rest. So, for the few days, I preferred to be undisturbed though I know it is almost impossible especially when I still have the little ones to take care of.  


A few days ago, I went through a colonscopy procedure (i.e. where the doctor put a scope through the colon, while patient is sedated, and check for possibility of polyps/findings and remove any polyps if possible. Doctor has advised that any growth of colon polyps is incidental and they could be precursors to colon cancer).

The 3 days of preparation before the hospital procedure was often unpleasant for many, with controlled diet made up of clear soupy based, non-fried, non-oily and plain bread meals only.

The worst was the night before the procedure when I had to consume prescriptions which led to non-stop diarrhoea to clean out the colon. That overloading of litres of liquid filled with the prescriptions almost made me throw out.


My hand where the sedation was administered directly through the blood stream


When the big day came, the sedation knocked me out before I could finish shouting my fair share of “PAIN” as the severe cramp  set in. I woke up in the recovery ward “happy” that the procedure, diet control, awful tasting prescriptions were all over.

I thought I could be up and running and greedily attacking all my favourite food again after the procedure.

Unfortunately, my already sensitive stomach somehow got irritated/unbearable after the procedure and I had a surprisingly long period of hangover as a side effect of sedation.

The whole experience was not a pleasant process. Then, it again emphasizes how important it is to remain healthy.

Haiz….as mothers we often try our best to keep and pray for the good health of our family members without sparing much thought for ourselves.

It is time I start caring a little bit more for myself…

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4 Responses to “Mommy, Why Are You Not Working?”

  • andy says:

    I was brave and no sedation. End up “ticklish” and “bloated” as the scope goes deeper yucks. And you have this wierd feeling that you are going to fart ! (only advantage is I can leave 30min after check)

  • Michael says:

    It is strange that we only start to take care of ourselves more when we are sick, I am also victim of such act. Hope that your examination turns out to be healthy. Wish you speedy recovery and take care!

  • Denesa says:

    Hi Andy,

    You went through the procedure without sedation??? I kowtow you….Thumbs up!

  • Denesa says:

    Hi Michael,

    I am fine:) Stress is often a silent killer or destructor of health and trouble not only comes from the mouth but also from what we eat. Somehow we always race against time till that day when our body machine breaks down and then we realise we should have slowed down.

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