December 2011 School Holiday Local Trails: Elephant Parade


The Elephant Parade is here in Singapore! 162 of them on display, in 19 locations!

At first, Brendan thought : “Huh! Are we talking about LIVE elephants?”

Of course not. These are specially designed elephants, to fund elephant conservation. Definitely, a good course!

Miss China



Then, I had a better idea. Since it is school holiday, why not make it into an enjoyable adventure for our boys to hunt down the 19 locations in search of these unique elephants on display?  The benefits of  being a SAHM - go anywhere, anytime and even the rainy season can’t stop us from searching for indoor venues.  So. Sometimes, by car and sometimes, by public transport, we went on our trail in search for these elephants. Doesn’t it seem more exciting since our Bren could plan the route and lead us there?



Another cheerio one.



So, since its commencement, we had viewed them at a few locations like Vivo City, MBS, Marina Bay Boulevard and Singapore Philatelic Museum.  More to go. We have enough time till 11 Jan 2012:)


This one is unpainted. On fabric material.


Crazy? In fact, it was an exciting adventure for our kids. Code of conduct though for viewers: Okay to take photo. Okay to admire. Absloutely not okay to vandalise or destroy them. So parents with young kids, do keep a watch out. These elephants are meant for auction and they are hardwork by others. 


Our boy doesn’t mess. As usual, he reads signages very attentively.  My job ? take photo:)elephant-parade-5


Oh yes, you may buy small replicas of these elephants at Tangs. I was contemplating whether to buy one with the trunk lifted up (erhh..does that mean good fengshui with elephant scooping water inwards??) but I guess it is never convenient to shop with kids in fragile zone…so till next time while shopping alone.


One of my favourite: floral, colour and trunk:)



Mini ones on sale at Tangs : This one seems unique compared to those painted ones.



Taken many photos and can’t share all in this post but you can view them personally at the following locations:


  • Asian Civilisations Museum
  • Esplanade
  • Fort Canning Park
  • Goodwood Park Hotel
  • Jim Thompson Restaurant
  • Marina Bay Boulevard
  • Marina Bay Sands
  • Merlion Park
  • One Fullerton
  • Orchard Road
  • Raffles Place Green
  • Singapore Art Museum
  • Singapore Botanic Gardens
  • Singapore Philatelic Museum
  • Singapore Zoo
  • Tembusu College NUS
  • The Fullerton Heritage
  • VivoCity
  • Vue Privée
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