Helping The Less Fortunate Children


How many of our young children have started to learn the spirits of helping others in need?  Do they know that there are many other children out there who do not even have the opportunity to go through education and neither do they have enough pocket money to sustain them during their educations? Others do not even have proper roofs over their heads or enough meals.


There are many ways to help the less fortunate children besides money donation. For instance, our children can help the less fortunate by helping them in their studies and donating their books.


If you would like to help the less fortunate, here’s a chance!


Have you heard of the Straits Time School Pocket Money Fund?  The Fund was initiated on 1 October 2000.  It is used to help the needy children provide for their education and pocket money. In 2010, the target is to help 12,400 children by collecting S$5m.



 Keen to help these needy children? Simply purchase these coin-banks at selected NTUC Fairprice supermarkets



Keen to donate bigger amount as part of the Straits Time Pocket Money Fund? One way is donate the money that you have deposited in this coin-bank at OCBC Sunday Banking branch on any Sundays from September to October 2010.  Alternatively, you may also read more from this site  and contribute online. 

From the perspective of a parent, this donation drive is really useful.

- It helps our children appreciate how fortunate they are.

- It teaches them to save for a greater cause - that is to help others.



Brendan and Darren had purchased the coin-bank which cost $5 each.  I am sure each of our little contributions will go a long way to help these less fortunate children.

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