Darren’s Edition: The Race


Another of Darren’s weekly art edition *smile*.

[You might have read our earlier post on 12 July about Darren's latest hobby to create art editions of his family members.]


Subject: Family

Topic : The Race. How Papa Shows That He Is Strong and Fast

Illustrations and Narration: With courtesy by Darren


 His story starts…..race with horses


 [In his drawing, mommy has become a horse! Luckily, he has not forgotten to draw my hair on my head. I like it though because in his photos, we always look so HAPPY.]


Darren: “One day, Darren and Mumy is chasing Papa’s car with a horse.”

Mommy:”Why did Papa drive off without waiting for us? Why do we chase him with horses when I can use my car?”

Darren:”Because Papa wants to go first and see how fast we are. I think a horse is faster than a car! Haha!”


Darren:”Naughty Papa. Want to show that he is strong and fast. Actually, we are faster!”



His story continues…..race with bus



Darren:”Papa chasing a bus. Papa drives so fast until his car engine spoils. Now, he has no car and he has to run after a bus. He is strong. He can catch up with a bus!”


His story ends…..race with gogo



 Darren:”It is Games Day. Papa wants to challenge gogo a race. Papa is showing that he is strong.”

[his gogo means brother Brendan]

Mommy:”So, Papa wins since he is strong?”

Darren:”No. You guess wrong. Gogo wins!”


Darren:”Because Papa is so strong and stamps his feet so loud until the ”judge”scold him and he lose.”


Darren and Mommy:”Hahahaha…hahaha…!”


He is imaginative and creative, isn’t he? Illustrating a story with a “twist” in the ending. Piecing all the stories together when the pictures are actually drawn on different occasions.

It is nice to know that our little boy holds so much respect for his dad for being strong and fast (in his own words). Except that the ending is  a pleasant surprise that made his Papa laugh too.

And our little boy really enjoys the narration while mommy enjoys typing it - as Darren lets his imaginations do the work and laughs out loud.

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