



AT WORK, “one requirement” I mention to prepare new officers and at staff appraisal is the “ability to multi-task”. Of course, as an employee, I am required to REALLY multi-task too. 

[Frankly, till I lose my job focus sometimes.]


As working parents, our multi-tasking skill is further stretched.

We have been tested and proven that human ability to handle between 2 or more tasks AND aspiring to deliver the best for 2 or more important responsibilities at the SAME TIME —- IS POSSIBLE!



 Nowadays, I hardly hear about people implying that they do not need to multi-task.


Even for my boys….In school, there are times when they have to be Group Leader/Monitor and STUDENT concurrently. Other times when they try to use that short interval of 20 minutes during recess break to rush off to bookshop, play with friends and still fill their stomachs.

At home, they are sometimes found playing or reading or even writing WHILE eating; singing while bathing; dozing off while doing school homeworks; AND reading while doing that business in the toilet.


For parents while at home, we multi-task among the housework, spending time with our kids, running our own errands and …….

Just that in parenting, we contentedly choose to and not being assigned to multi-task. Given that limited hours in a day to spend quality time  with family and for oneself…..

And when I have to see my PARTNER IN LIFE multi-task as a PARENT, especially these particular moments…..

It amuses me.

But it also demonstrates how an exhausted father could have chosen sleep but prefers — to relax and also spends time with his kids instead, in return for that FAMILY JOY. * I salute him*



Papa spending time with the boys on a game of chess while enjoying a leg and back massage.



Next, Papa playing 2 different types of Board Games, with two different boys at the same time.  I will never be able to concentrate like this on two games that require thinking unless I am out to lose..haha.


I am not sure if our boys APPRECIATE moments like these. However, I know they definitely ENJOYED themselves while I watched on this time - for a change.  Hence, every moment like this, is WORTH IT *grin*



The result of a parent’s equal attention for both kids and fairness despite multi-tasking - Abundance of Happiness and Laughters.  


Moments of multi-tasking like this for our family — are what MAKES our LIFE CHALLENGING but FULFILLING & COMPLETE.

And, we make full and good use of our time —- to develop super abilities and skills too *haha*.

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