Archive for the ‘Environmental’ Category
Handy Manny Gets Handy With The Earth!
Previously, I wrote about how we can show our support for the environment through our everyday habits and “Earth Hour” campaign. Not only that – I also mentioned about raising the awareness on environmental sustainability in our young kids.
Yes, building our kids’ early awareness is important. Yes, we also know that engaging them in environmental campaigns and activities do help *smile*.
So, we have several environmental campaigns like Earth Hour and World Environment Day. Coming our way on 22 April 2010 will be the 40th “Earth Day” – a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment, with Earth Day activities participated by more than 1 billion people in the world.
On this Earth Day, you can engage your kids to show their love for Mother Earth in a FUN way!
Let your kids learn the environmental message through these fun activities with your family on this Earth Day:
1) Where possible, walk or bike to your nearby destination. Reduce car driving and reduce the undesirable carbon monoxides which will harm the earth.
2) Enjoy a little picnic, using non-disposal utensils. Recycle and keep our environment clean.
3) Start a new plant life. Treasure the greatness of Mother Earth as the plant grows and blooms.
4) Play friendly penalty games or quizzes with your young ones to bring across to them the significance of :
Saving energy – by turning off lights or electricity when not in use
Recycling – get hands-on in creative art activities with recyclable items like bottles, cans and paper boxes.
Saving water – by turning off water when brushing teeth and applying soap during bath.
For more useful environmentally tips to share with your young ones, do check out
Besides, Playhouse Disney has ready activities to enable your ones to learn the environmental message in a fun way, together with Daddy and Mommy :)
Handy Manny, our handy man of Sheetrock Hills, will champion Earth Day on Playhouse! Your young ones will love their favourite Handy Manny episodes, focusing on the importance of preserving the environment – specially aired by Playhouse Disney on 22 April.
Oh yes, Handy Manny and his useful tools, will be showing how to “Get handy with the Earth”!
More from Playhouse Disney!
Join your young ones to participate in the Handy Manny Earth Day Contest and stand a chance to win Handy Manny Gardening Tools. Contest starts on 22 April.
To participate, log on to Also, encourage your friends, relatives to also participate in this contest with their young ones!
(Pl read the terms and conditions to qualify).
With Handy Manny and our fun activities, I am sure your family will have both an Enjoyable and Educational Earth Day. Let your children learn more about Earth Day on Playhouse Disney (Starhub Channel 34) 22nd April, 9am – 2pm.
[I am also sure our young generations and their future generations will be THANKFUL to us in years to come - for spreading the environmental message among parents, who in turn will play an important role in influencing your young ones to love our Mother Earth and protect the environment.]
Earth Hour on 27 March 2010 - Join Many To Show Your Support
Participate in Earth Hour by turning out your lights from 8.30-9.30pm on 27 March.
Not only that…spread the message to your friends, relatives and colleagues….Oh yah…and to your blog readers too.
To show our support, I have also signed up for Earth Hour at I am glad my organisation and family are playing a part too *smile*.
Why not you show your support by signing up too? And not forgetting to join many in the world to turn out your lights at 8.30pm on 27 March!
Actually, we can do much more for our mother earth besides participating in Earth Hour. You might be interested to read my earlier post on Go Green Episode 3.
Here’s an official video on Earth Hour 2010.
Go Green Episode 3
A small part of my job requires me to think about environmental sustainability and also as part of a team that leads in sustaining green or eco office for my organisation.
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY seems such a “IN” word now. However, how many actually appreciate its meaning and significance? We are aware of the damages caused by both natural and anthropogenic factors on our environment. Perhaps, many still could not feel the direct impact of our actions on our future generations.
All of us could do our part for our eco-system and future generation either at work or in our everyday lives by reducing our carbon footprints and working towards environmental sustainability - ultimately to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of our future generations to meet their needs.
Start by being a little more conscious, cultivating ”green” habits, and building our sense of responsibilities towards the environment. Do not forget our little ones too in sharing with them the importance. They deserve to be aware and do their parts early in sustaining the environment that they and their future generations will co-exist in.
You might like these earlier related posts.
Today - World Environment Day and Launch of the film “HOME”
I came across some videos that might be interesting in educating our young ones.
[Do share the environmental message and impact with them while viewing these videos. There are many other useful and animated videos on the web. Do check them out! One site is The Green Gorilla (the kids are cute!).]
Adventures of Water Wally - Camp H2O by PUB (Singapore’s National Water Agency)
Lets Make Our World The Most Beautiful Home by The National Environment Agency Singapore
Turn It Up Day (Gorilla in The Greenhouse)