When Allergy Strikes!
What happened when URTICARIA strikes, leaving me with full body of red big blotches? Then it became swelling of face, mouth and hands which then become numbness.
Life was miserable and irritable! Only consolation: Haha! Good excuse not to do house cleaning and the little ones will gladly help out:)
Arghhh…last week! I couldn’t live a day in peace, visiting doctors three times in three days and finally surrendering to days of lost sleep, itch and pain by admitting myself for observation at the hospital.
Haiz..That was how I spent my past week - fighting a severe allergy which decided to strike me by surprise in my mid-life. No pre-warning. No clue as to what caused it. Strange enough..I did not even remember myself exposing to anything that I haven’t been exposed to before when it attacked.
I am allergic? Totally new to me:( I remember I used to have minor urticaria condition when I was young but never so persistent or severe before.
So doctors gave oral steroid (prednisolone) to control the allergy from manisfesting into other allergic conditions. They gave anti-histamine to relieve the symptoms of allergy. Doctors assured that steroid medication taken in short-term should not have side effect. Seriously, I was uttering “Erghh..steroid!” when I got worried over the side effect of the medication. Even with the medications, the allergy became more merciless and I not only developed skin rashes and swelling but also started to feel breathless. So, that was when I decided that it was time to check into hospital.
I was immediately given steroid and anti-histamine jabs. Next, ENT doctor did a scope of my throat/nasal passage and lung X-ray. Then I was put on drip and 6 hours of observation when effect of jabs took off. Doctor explained that jabs tend to have a faster effect than oral medications and it was so true. The anti-histamine jab put me into a drowsy state immediately within 3 minutes. Amazing! Doctor also explained that in an allergy, what they are more worried about is often not the skin rashes but rather if a patient feels difficulty in breathing which might arise from blocked airway due to swelling. Fortunately, my scope result was cleared. I learnt my lesson. In an event of severe allergy, go hospital straight away and be jabbed. They work wonders:)
The greatest comfort coming from a small note: Darren not forgetting to bring me that peace of mind before I left for hospital.
When I left the hospital, I still have no clue what triggered my most surprised allergic reactions and was given the option whether I would like to consult an allergist for skin tests. Doctor’s view was if mine is a “once in a blue moon” attack, there is no urgency to do the skin test right away as it could also meant putting myself to risk as I would be exposed to these allergy causing agents during the tests. However, if I am determined to identify the cause, then I could get it done too. Best solution to allergy is still PREVENTION. Medication and anti-histamine consumptions only relieve symptoms.
Prevention of what? Pollens, pets, dustmites, food types, weather, insect bites, viral flu—there are so many factors! Oh! Do you know that stress could trigger allergic reactions too?
Hmm..I don’t feel as stressed as before. So, what exactly is it? Mystery.. For now, itch, hives, swelling, please stay away. I am SERIOUSLY “once bitten, twice shy”.
[Have you been attacked by allergic conditions before? How do you manage the conditions?]
sorry to hear about your allergy woes. i wish you a speedy recovery.
That looked really bad. Hope u’re all better now. May the allergy stay far far away.