Caught In Between Fights
I often find myself, unknowingly, caught in the middle of my boys’ battle or even used as their firing weapon!
In their daily quarrels and fights, it is so common to hear the boys threaten each other with sentences like “I will complain to mummy that you kick me, scold me and blah blah blah”. Otherwise, they will just shout out “Mummy, you come see Gor Gor (elder brother) take my thing!” and then the elder brother will say “No, Didi (younger brother) bluff! You come scold him!”
These statements have become so commonly heard and most of the time I am also at a loss on determining who is right or wrong. I met a lady who just told me that her 14 year-old and 10 year-old daughters are still quarreling and fighting with each other. Just when I thought that my 9 year-old Brendan will soon reach the age whereby he will stop quarrelling with his younger brother everyday, the lady’s version of her daughters has just made me less optimistic. Somehow, I do not really understand why these little siblings (probably because I am a only child) always have to pick on each other and have the slightest level of tolerance towards each other.
Sometimes, when my boy starts asking for the other brother and looking forward for each other to return home, I know that they do love and miss each other <Smile>.