Day Out At The Singapore National Museum


It was the Children’s Season at the Singapore National Museum few weeks ago. We brought our boys to the National Museum since it has been more than ten years since I last visited it.


The lamps above our heads are swinging back and forth..back and forth...hypnotising effects

The lamps above our heads are swinging back and forth..back and forth...hypnotising effects


Colourful tanks stacked on a huge pile of debris

Colourful tanks stacked on a huge pile of debris


My two boys figuring the solutions. One in action while the other one stares at his elder brother's solution

My two boys figuring the solutions. One in action while the other one stares at his elder brother's solution


Darren said:"Gor Gor will you stretch for me? It is too tall?"

Darren said:"Gor Gor will you stretch for me? It is too tall?"


A gallery of photographs on traditional wedding gowns

A gallery of photographs on traditional wedding gowns


Kids really obey rules and signages. Haha, we have a free volunteer who is warning visitors to take note of the don'ts in the gallery

Kids really obey rules and signages. Haha, we have a free volunteer who is warning visitors to take note of the don'ts in the gallery


A good experience for kids and nolstagic moment for me as we walk through memory lane and looked at the utensils and cutleries that we used in older days

A good experience for kids and nolstagic moment for me as we walk through memory lane and looked at the utensils and cutleries that we used in older days


These costumes that we used to see only in movies and TV shows appeared right before our eyes. They look so sophisticated and heavy but definitely expensive and elegant.

These costumes that we used to see only in movies and TV shows appeared right before our eyes. They look so sophisticated and heavy but definitely expensive and elegant.


The background looks sooooooo eerie and scary!

The background looks sooooooo eerie and scary!


Haha...They will definitely not be daring enough to make these naughty faces if left alone in this dark dark room

Haha...They will definitely not be daring enough to make these naughty faces if left alone in this dark dark room


The boys hands-on with stencils, scissors, paper and cloth ... designing clothes for the paper mannequins

The boys hands-on with stencils, scissors, paper and cloth ... designing clothes for the paper mannequins


What A Colourful World!

What A Colourful World!


Who is stronger to tear through the debris? The boys with their mischievous looks again...hahaha

Who is stronger to tear through the debris? The boys with their mischievous looks again...hahaha


Young children are so lovely and cheerful. They are happy anywhere they are as long as they have parents' company.

Young children are so lovely and cheerful. They are happy anywhere they are as long as they have parents' company.


Though main admission is free, the admission to some of the galleries are by tickets. Darren definitely learned fast because he went around asking the admission officers of the different galleries “Have to buy tickets to come in or have to pay money?”.  For a small boy of his age, he certainly made us amused but also embarrassed. It is like telling others “mummy and daddy are too stingy to pay for tickets” <In malay they say, “malu” means “embarassed”..ohoh….>

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