Gundam Fiesta 2009
Gundam is a metaseries of Japanese anime which features giant robots. Gundam is a collective term for 7 different time lines, with each featuring its own story-line. Papa Ed used to collect Gundam Anime series, TV sets, collectibles, and model kits even after our marriage. It does require patience to assemble and paint the model kits. I am neutral towards Gundam but I am impressed by the advanced animations.
My family considered ourselves lucky to come across the Gundam Fiesta 2009 at Compass Point, Sengkang in Singapore from 2- 14 September….. by chance. My three boys at home (including Papa Ed of course) are excited when they saw the extent of the exhibits! It was quite an eye-opener for my boys and myself! I wonder whether it is possible to have such sophisticated war machines in real life but they definitely are impressive.
When I am surrounded by a family of all male members, I have learnt to get involved in the boys’ interests or at least get some basic knowledge in order not to seem like a “dinosaur” or “alien” *LOL*.