Have not been blogging for a while. There are simply too many things to do in a day….have been busy setting up another blog, watching my kids, watching the endless drama series of “Smallville” (on mine there are altogether 7 seasons currently and we are still in season 4!), watching my maid, watching my staff, watching hubby (haha). Yah, endless watching ……..
Back to the issue of “How I Wish I Could Have More Time!” and “How I Wish People Around Me Could Be More Independant and Take Their Own Initiatives” and then I can stop having the needs to watch over others….Sigh…
Despite all the complaints, spending quality time with the kids have always been a top priority for me. Last week, we were recceeing Sengkang and came upon three new exciting places that we can hangout over the weekends.

A nice and unblocked spot opposite Anchorvale Community Club - ideal spot for kite flying

Swimming pool within Anchorvale Community Club - with small and giant slides for kids

View of the slides

Indoor pool within Anchorvale Community Club

Sengkang Riverside Park just opposite the Anchorvale Community Club - an ideal place for cycling and jogging
The kids had a great time at the Community Club…just see their happy faces and poses….

Moods are easily captured on kids' faces

Aren't they mischievous??
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