Threshold for Pain


 A human’s ability to bear the pain or threshold for pain is not determined by age or gender. Rather, it is determined by our withstanding power and mindset. Mostly, in the face of a painful experience, if we psycho ourselves that it is going to be painful, then our mind will control the feeling on the body, and it is really going to be PAINFUL.


People say that women who have gone through the baby delivery process TEND to have HIGHER THRESHOLD for PAIN. I think it is true.

[I went through the process of natural birth without epidural, Seriously, the extent of that pain is not some feelings that one could easily describe. However, I would say that was a worthwhile painful experience:)]


Then, back to the topic of different people being able to take different level of pain.


My two boys clearly have very extreme abilities to withstand pain. Little brother is able to withstand pain better. When Brendan has an ulcer in the mouth, he will repeatedly remind himself and us that it is painful. When Darren had several ulcers in his mouth (due to hand foot mouth disease), he lived with it and we did not even know till the school checked and informed us.


Earlier, when our little boy had hand foot mouth disease. There was not a mention of pain despite many ulcers in the mouth.

Earlier, when our little boy had hand foot mouth disease. There was this positive attitude in him cos there was little mention of pain.


Then, recently just before my trip to China, my two boys went through vaccinations in school. So, what were their responses?


Brendan had been reminding us days before the session.  I sensed the fear in him though he was ready to face it.  After the vaccination, he was so sensitive to the “pain” and was sensitive to slight touch on that part of the arm. Even after two days, he was reiterating that it was getting more painful.

[So, it is more psychological than real body feeling.]


Darren, on the other hand, surprised us by going for the vaccination without even a word to us beforehand. We did not expect that he would be having any jab that day! He came home, proudly showing us his arm and was all smiles as he described the experience. After that, there was no mention of any pain.

[The little boy's cheerful and strong spirits, for that particular incident, really influences me.]


Still so cheerful and takes things easy

Still so cheerful and takes things easy


Two boys. Two different age. Two mindsets. Two responses. Same process. Same level of physical pain. But two abilities to manage the pain. Sometimes, as a mommy, I can’t help but get inspired by how strong my little one reacts to difficulty and pain. So far, he is such a “happy go lucky” kid.

[The purpose of the this post is not to make comparisons. My boys have their strengths in different ways. I hope that they can learn from the good model of each other's strength. Siblings can play an important part too in motivating each other and learning from each other the positive attitudes in life:) As parents, we can help by identifying these strengths.]

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