Away From Home
Finally the feeling of being back to Singapore is GREAT! *smile*. I had just returned from a ”vacation” in China.
Well, at first, I was reluctant to leave the boys on their own especially during school term. However, it was a rare opportunity for just the two of us (Papa Ed and myself) to travel alone (very few such opportunities since we have the boys). So, when the opportunity came when Papa Ed had to make this official trip - I hesitated, pondered - and finally we went together. I was glad that we made this trip together and to places that would not be enjoyable to the boys.
So, before I went for the trip, I had all my concerns. Will the boys complete their homework in my absence? Have I got ready all their stuff that are needed at their guardian’s place? Do they know how to make way to their tuition centres? How would they spend their weekend? And….. In fact, I was busier making sure that their needs were anticipated and pre-arrangements properly made THAN preparing for my trip.
[Though I had travelled alone before, this is the first time that I cannot attend to the boys personally for so many days. Fortunately, the boys were quite positive about it:) In fact, I guess I was the only one who felt most reluctant.]
Sometimes, it is such a difficult choice:( When Papa Ed is out of town for a long while, I will have to choose between either being with him or staying by the side of the boys. It has become such a natural instinct to be there with the kids, to protect them and provide for them. Frankly, the time spent with hubby gets less:(
Usually, parents will have to give “space” to our children and “let them have the chance to take care of themselves”. The boys and I gained important experiences during my absence - Our children do have the “hidden abilities” to take care of themselves or each other when the parents are not by their side. If we do not ever try, we will never discover how well our children could cope without us.
Brendan was not only able to manage his huge piles of homework independantly, he was also to supervise Darren in his homework. Brendan also played the important role of ensuring that Darren took his vitamins and also medication. Not only that, he took charge of calling me using IDD card and feeding the pets at home. This means he finally learns how to take care of himself and brother when the opportunity presents itself *big smile*.
So, while it was a meaningful trip for Papa Ed and me, the boys gained valuable life experiences too, taking care of each other in harmony:)
[Well, I wish they could learn to behave likewise when I am around].
Enjoy !!
it’s nice to be able to go for a vacation together!