Aeroponics Vegetable Farm


After a long walk at the Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve the other day, we caught sight of a vegetable farm opposite the Reserve. Brendan and I were excited to drop by the farm as it was our first vegetable farm visit in Singapore.


This vegetable farm, Aero-Green Technology (S) Pte Ltd, is a 5.3 hectare farm in Singapore.  Its significance is that it is the first commercial aeroponics farm in Asia which uses the aeroponics technology to grow vegetables in Singapore. The farm is open to visitors for farm tour, a little tour around the garden and also those who want to buy the fresh vegetables and juice produced at the farm at reasonable price. It grows many types of vegetables like Butterhead lettuce (yummy, yummy… for fresh salad), kai lan, bai cai, chye sim, cherry tomatoes, corns, lollo rossa, Batavia and baby cos. 

Pesticides-free vegetables for sale

Pesticides-free vegetables for sale



Vegetables with suspended roots confined in an enclosed environment

Vegetables with suspended roots confined in an enclosed environment

We found out more about the aeroponics technology.  Aeroponic growing is to grow plants in a closed or semi-closed environment. The roots are suspended and sprayed with riched nutrient solution. The outputs are pesticide-free vegetables.



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We did not manage to join the farm tour but went home with a new knowledge and a whole bag of good-priced and fresh vegetables. I love vegetables and they looked so tempting to me! 

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